Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Riayat: Ensuring Food Security for Middle-Class and Low-Income Families


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Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Riayat

The Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Riayat program is a crucial lifeline for middle-class and low-income families in Punjab, Pakistan. Initiated by former Prime Minister Imran Khan, this program aims to provide essential food support to those who are struggling, especially during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Let’s take a closer look at how this program works, who is eligible, and how it is making a positive impact.

What is Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Riayat?

Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Riayat

The Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Riayat program is a big plan to help people who don’t have enough food to eat. This program gives them important food items so they can eat well and be healthy.

Ehsaas Rashan Riayat Program – Vision & Mission

1. Ex-PM Imran Khan: A Visionary Start

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan, who leads the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, launched the Ehsaas Rashan Program in November 2021. His vision was to create a safety net for vulnerable families facing food insecurity.

2. CM Punjab Ch Pervaiz Elahi: Driving the Program Forward

Chief Minister of Punjab, Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, from the Pakistan Muslim League (Quaid-e-Azam) party, is actively involved in running the program’s registration process in Punjab. His leadership ensures efficient implementation and support for eligible families.

How the Program Operates

The Ehsaas Rashan Riayat program operates through two main channels:

1. Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Program (Rs 2000)

Families that have already registered through the ehsaas rashan gov pk online registration survey receive a monthly cash amount of Rs 2000. This financial assistance helps them meet their food needs.

2. Ehsaas Rashan Program 12000 (Rs 1000)

Run by the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) through the 8171 helpline in various districts of Pakistan, this program provides beneficiaries with a monthly cash amount of Rs 1000.

How to apply online for the ehsaas ration program?

  1. Send an SMS 13 digits CNIC at 8123 with your registered number
  2. Open the ehsaas web portal https://ehsaas.punjab.gov.pk/. Fill out the form with your CNIC number and Cell number
  3. Visit e-Khidmat Markaz in your city with the original CNIC

Understanding the Benefits

Both Ehsaas Programs offer different amounts and percentages of support:

1. Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Program (Rs 2000, 40% Riayat)

Beneficiaries receive Rs 2000 in cash and a 40% discount on essential food items like flour, cooking oil, and pulses.

2. Ehsaas Rashan Program 12000 (Rs 1000, 30% Riayat)

Recipients receive Rs 1000 in cash and a 30% discount on the same food items.

Checking Eligibility and Registration

  • To determine eligibility, individuals can send their CNIC through SMS to the number 8123.
  • Within a short period, they will receive a confirmation message indicating whether they are eligible for the program.
  • The registration period typically starts on January 1st and continues until January 31st.
  • Families who haven’t registered yet can visit the 8123 web portal, ehsaas.punjab.gov.pk, to register online.

Recent Updates and Fixes

A recent update addressed location errors in the Ehsaas Rashan Riayat app. Those whose registration was in progress for the last three weeks will now receive eligibility confirmation. Starting from January 2024, the allocated amounts will be transferred to their accounts.

Ensuring Transparency and Impact

The program promotes transparency by involving registered ehsaas kiryana stores and shops. These stores receive an 8% subsidy and special rewards for outstanding performance. Families can access their benefits through these shops, ensuring a seamless distribution process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: Who can benefit from the Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Riayat program?

Middle-class and low-income families facing food insecurity can benefit from the program.

Q: What benefits do the Ehsaas Rashan Programs offer?

Recipients receive cash amounts (Rs 2000 or Rs 1000) and discounts (40% or 30%) on essential food items.

Q: How can I check my eligibility for the program?

Send your CNIC via SMS to 8123 or visit the ehsaas.punjab.gov.pk web portal.

Q: How do I register for the Ehsaas Rashan Riayat program?

You can register through SMS, the web portal, or by visiting an e-Khidmat Markaz.

Q: What recent updates have been made to the program?

The Ehsaas Rashan Riayat app’s location errors have been fixed, and eligible beneficiaries will receive their amounts in January 2024.

Q: How do ehsaas kiryana stores and shops play a role in the program?

Registered stores offer benefits to eligible families, ensuring transparent and seamless distribution of assistance.

Q: What is the impact of the program on communities?

The program strengthens communities by alleviating food insecurity and promoting well-being among families.

Conclusion: Nurturing Families, Strengthening Communities

The Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Riayat program, spearheaded by Ex-PM Imran Khan and actively supported by CM Punjab Ch Pervaiz Elahi, is a beacon of hope for middle-class and low-income families. By providing financial assistance and discounts on essential food items, the program eases the burden of food insecurity and promotes overall well-being. As the program continues to evolve and expand, it stands as a testament to the government’s commitment to uplifting its citizens in times of need.

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